Comparing How Practitioners View First-Generation Students

Join The Pell Institute on Wednesday, September 14th at 2:00 p.m. EST to share a discussion on the implications of Joshua Farris's qualitative study comparing practitioner disparities in understanding first generation student barriers. Joshua uses data and research to produce materials for stakeholders within Higher Education to influence programs and initiatives for first generation and low income (FGLI) students. As an intern for The Pell Institute, Joshua conducted a qualitative study exploring the role of practitioner perceptions of FGLI student barriers within Higher Education. He explored 5 key themes: Access, Financial, Academic, Social & Personal, and Professional. His findings shift the discussion of FGLI student burdens to the structural investments and changes that are needed of higher education institutions to support the success of all students. Click here to register for this important conversation.
9/14/2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Registration is closed.